Fires an event.
Fires an event. The event is passed to the method, a concrete implementation has to do whatever is necessary to deliver it to the correct receivers. Note that the event is a by-name parameter; an implementation should evaluate it once only if listeners are available for this event. If there are no listeners, the event must not be accessed. That way a conversion of the event is only done if there are actually receivers.
the event to be fired
A trait defining a generic event sender interface.
The idea behind this trait is that it can be used by adapter implementations converting between platform-specific events and generic events. Such adapters somehow receive events and then have to propagate them to registered listeners. The way listeners are organized is specific to a concrete implementation.
There are mainly two different flavors of event listeners/receivers in JGUIraffe: - classic event listeners can be added to a component in an unlimited number - the FormEventManager class can act as event receiver; it provides an implementation of event multi-plexing
This trait should be generic enough to support both flavors of event listeners. Concrete implementations have to ensure that events are correctly passed.