<invalid inheritdoc annotation> This implementation expects the passed in component to be an instance of ContainerWrapper.
<invalid inheritdoc annotation> This implementation expects the passed in component to be an instance of ContainerWrapper. It makes use of a static cache for font sizes. If the cache does not contain the font in question, a Text component is created for determining the font size. This has to happen in the Java FX thread. Atomic variables are used to deal with concurrent access.
<invalid inheritdoc annotation> This implementation obtains the resolution from the primary screen.
<invalid inheritdoc annotation> This implementation obtains the resolution from the primary screen.
The Java FX-based implementation of the UnitSizeHandler interface.
This class implements functionality for detecting screen properties and calculating font sizes based on the Java FX library. Unfortunately, some of these calculations are not trivial; especially, there is no easy way to determine the width and height of a text string. The workaround applied here makes use of Java FX components which are configured and layouted to obtain their size. This has to happen in the Java FX thread, so threading issues have to be taken into account.
Because the calculation of font sizes can be expensive, a cache is maintained which is shared by all instances. Access to the cache is protected so this class can be called from different threads. (This is required because size calculations will also have to take place in background threads executing builder scripts.)