JGUIraffe Changes Report definition

Release History

Version Date Description
1.3.1 2016-07-17 Bugfix release; addresses many problems with JavaFX
1.3 2015-01-18 Support for JavaFX
1.2 2012-11-15 Adding OSGi support
1.1 2012-02-12 First maintenance release
1.0 2010-09-03 First release

Release 1.3.1 - 2016-07-17

Type Changes By


Fixed a NullPointerException in selection handling of JavaFxTreeHandler. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/22. oheger


Labels rendered within a percent layout are given now a slightly greater width, so that the text is fully displayed. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/21. oheger


Application now offers a method for accessing the bean context that was created when the main window was constructed. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/20. oheger


The action tag now supports a new enabled attribute. This can be used to disable actions after their creation. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/19. oheger


JavaFxWindowManager now supports customizing JavaFX stage creation. For this purpose the new trait StageFactory was introduced. With DefaultStageFactory there is a default implementation which can be extended. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/18. oheger


FormController now offers a new method validateAndDisplayMessages() which can be used to trigger a validation with user feedback at any time. This is useful for instance for the implementation of an Apply button. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/17. oheger


It is now possible to add custom beans created dynamically by an application to the global bean context. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/16. oheger


Using the unit dlu in a JavaFX splitter component no longer causes an exception. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/15. oheger


JavaFX panels can now be assigned basic attributes like color or font. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/14. oheger


JavaFX tables now correctly evaluate the multi-selection flag. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/13. oheger


JavaFX labels can now be assigned an icon. The ClassCastException that occurred in this case has been fixed. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/12. oheger


The JavaFX application is now correctly set up so that the primary stage can be created successfully in JavaFX 8. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/11. oheger


The build of JGUIraffe is now possible with both Java 7 and Java 8. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/10. oheger

Release 1.3 - 2015-01-18

Type Changes By


JavaFX is now supported as target platform. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/7. oheger


The default value of the canShrink property of PercentLayoutBase was changed from false to true. This is appropriate for the majority of use cases. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/9. oheger


SwingMessageOutput no longer allows HTML-based formatting. Leading and trailing html tags are removed from the message text. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/8. oheger


SwingMessageOutput now allows specifying a maximum line length. Message texts are processed so that no line exceeds the specified length. Line wrapping is enabled per default. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/7. oheger


The documentation of the MessageOutput interface was improved regarding the way the passed in message text is processed. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/6. oheger


The colrenderer tag now works as expected in Swing. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/5. oheger


Editable tree view components now work correctly in Swing. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/4. oheger


Editable combo boxes no longer throw an exception in Swing. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/3. oheger


Added the tag di:resource to resolve resources on the class path. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/6. oheger


Colors now support a logic representation. This is useful for instance when dealing with style sheets. The serialization format and the string representation of class Color have changed. oheger

Release 1.2 - 2012-11-15

Type Changes By


Added OSGi support. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/5. oheger

Release 1.1 - 2012-02-12

Type Changes By


Improvements of the dependency injection framework related to factory beans and builder classes. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/4. oheger


SwingTableComponentHandler now ensures that a newly selected row (in single-selection mode) becomes visible. If necessary, it changes the position of the scroll pane. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/3. oheger


Updated test dependency to EasyMock to the most recent version 3.0. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/2. oheger


Added a transformer to StaticTextData objects which simpliefies usage of static text controls in forms. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/feature-requests/1. oheger


Builders could throw an undocumented LocatorException. Such exceptions are now caught and re-thrown as BuilderException exceptions. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/2. oheger


Fixed a NullPointerException which can occur in the dependency injection framework when looking up beans by classes rather than bean names. Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/jguiraffe/bugs/1. oheger

Release 1.0 - 2010-09-03

No changes in this release.