So far we have discussed how UI elements can be created and positioned using layout managers. We also described methods for interacting with such elements, so that the UI can be manipulated when certain events are received or the user triggered specific actions. Now, the UI of an application does not live on its own, but is embedded inside a window. Windows are natural elements of modern graphical-oriented operating systems. Nevertheless they have to be defined somehow.
JGUIraffe contains another tag library that deals with windows: the so-called window builder tag library. The tags provided by this library can be used to define multiple types of windows:
We will discuss the different window types and their creation in more detail in the following sub sections. But first we describe some of the basic interfaces used by the window builder tag library for the interaction with windows.
The creation of windows works similar to the creation of the other elements which have already been discussed in the previous chapters: They are defined using specialized tags in builder scripts. To use these tags it must be ensured that the window builder tag library has been added to the script. So the root element of the builder script must look as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:di="diBuilder" xmlns:f="formBuilder" xmlns:a="actionBuilder" xmlns:w="windowBuilder"> </j:jelly>
Here - and in all following examples - we assign the prefix "w" to tags of the window builder tag library. Now tags like <w:frame> or <w:dialog> can be used to define the corresponding windows. We will come to these tags in more detail shortly. For now it is important to know that they act like container tags, e.g. the tag for creating Panels. This means that they can be assigned a layout by simply placing a corresponding layout tag in their body. Also, the tags for defining the actual UI - i.e. graphical elements like labels, text components, tables, etc. - can be nested inside such window tags. This is a pretty natural approach to defining windows which seamlessly continues the declaration of other parts of the UI.
The Builder interface defines a specialized method for processing a builder script that defines a window: buildWindow(). Like the other build methods it expects the locator to the builder script and the BuilderData object as arguments. It returns the main window defined by the builder script.
In theory, a builder script is free to define an arbitrary number of windows. In most cases however, only a single window - e.g. a dialog box - will be defined. This corresponds to a "unit" in a graphical application. In this case this single window is returned by the buildWindow() method. If a window is pretty simple and only used in the context of another window, it may make sense to define it together with the window it depends on in the same builder script. An example would be a simple message window that is displayed by a dialog box if the user enters invalid data.
In order to access multiple windows they must have been given unique names. This is achieved by specifying the name attribute at the tags that create the windows. (In contrast to tags for input elements, the name attribute is optional here.) During the builder operation there is an instance of the WindowBuilderData class which keeps track of the windows that are defined by the script. This instance also takes care that all windows can be queried from the current BeanContext using the reserved prefix window: followed by their name. Hence a code example obtaining a specific window could look as follows:
// Input for the build method Locator scriptLocator = new ClassPathLocator("mydialog.jelly"); ApplicationBuilderData builderData = application.getApplicationContext().initBuilderData(); Builder builder = application.getApplicationContext().newBuilder(); // Process the builder script, builderData); // Obtain the desired window Window wnd = (Window) builderData.getBuilderContext().getBean("window:msgbox");
This example invokes the generic build() method on a newly created Builder instance. From the bean context created during this operation it retrieves the window with the name msgbox. Alternatively, the WindowBuilderData instance itself can be fetched from the bean context. It provides methods for querying windows created during the builder operation, too. If this approach is used, the last part of the example becomes:
... // Obtain the desired window WindowBuilderData wbd = (WindowBuilderData) builderData.getBuilderContext() .getBean(WindowBuilderData.KEY_WINDOW_BUILDER_DATA); Window = wbd.getWindow("msgbox");
In most cases, if the builder script defines only a single window, the buildWindow() convenience method of the Builder interface should be used. It returns this window directly.
In JGUIraffe windows are represented by the generic Window interface. Compared with the APIs of other UI libraries this interface is very simple. It provides about a dozen methods for querying and setting properties of the underlying window. Typical JGUIraffe applications do not need more because the major part of the window's properties has already been set by the builder script. The methods defined by the Window interface are mainly intended to interact with the window at runtime. The following features are accessible through the Window interface:
For many applications it is just sufficient to open and close a window. What happens in between is controlled by view and business logic which does not have to access the window object itself. Typically, interaction with UI controls is needed, but the window stays as it is after it has been created. Opening a window can also be automated by using the OpenWindowCommand class described in the section Actions and commands.
So far for the fundamental concepts of the Window builder tag library. We will now describe the tags for creating windows.
As has already been pointed out, the Window builder tag library supports multiple types of windows. For each window type there exists a corresponding tag responsible for the creation of that window. The table below gives an overview over the tags and their associated window types.
Tag | Implementation class | Window type |
<w:frame> | FrameTag | Frame windows |
<w:dialog> | DialogTag | Dialog windows |
<w:iframe> | InternalFrameTag | Internal frame windows |
The good news is that all these tags are used in a very similar way. They are all derived from the abstract WindowBaseTag base tag handler class which already defines a set of attributes common to all types of windows. These attributes include
In many cases the default values for these attributes are appropriate. For instance, the window's size is determined by its layout manager which calculates it based on the preferred sizes of the components contained. The position does not matter if the centered flag is set; this makes sense for dialog windows. So typical window definitions are indeed pretty simple. The following example fragment shows the definition of an application main frame window:
<w:frame titleres="main_title" menu="mainMenu" autoClose="false"> ... </w:frame>
Here we just define a title for the window (from a resource) and specify the menu bar. The menu has been defined using other tags in the same builder script. Examples for menu declarations and also for toolbars in windows can be found in the section Main menus and tool bars.
In this example the autoClose attribute is set to false. This can make sense in some special cases, e.g. if special cleanup is needed when the window is shut down. For this main window the reason for this attribute is a special event mapping: As was discussed in the section Mapping events to actions it is possible for actions to be triggered when specific events are fired. For the main frame of the application we have used this mechanism to map the window's closing event to the action that exits the application. If such a mapping is active, the auto close mechanism must be disabled because the close operation is already handled by the action. More details about this topic will be provided when we talk about window event listeners later in this document.
In order to define the window's content, tags from the component builder tag library can be placed inside the body of window tags. Each window defines an implicit panel acting as a container for arbitrary components. Make sure that the correct layout is set, so that the components are correctly arranged. For instance, a typical application main frame window might use a BorderLayout with a tool bar in the north and a panel with the actual content in center. A skeleton declaration for such a window could look like this:
<w:frame titleres="main_title" menu="mainMenu" autoClose="false"> <f:borderlayout/> <!-- A tool bar at the top of the window's content --> <a:toolbar> <f:borderconstr name="NORTH"/> <!-- Content of tool bar omitted --> </a:toolbar> <!-- The main panel --> <f:tabbedpane name="tabs"> <f:borderconstr name="CENTER"/> <!-- Content of main panel omitted --> </f:tabbedpane> </w:frame>
The definition of a dialog window looks very similar. Here is an example:
<w:dialog titleres="newfile_title" center="true" resizable="true" modal="true"> ... </w:dialog>
Instead of the <w:frame> tag the <w:dialog> tag is used. Again, only a small sub set of the possible attributes is used. This time we specify a title, set the center flag which causes the window to be centered on the screen, and make it resizable. Whether a dialog window should be resizable or not depends on the controls it contains. If the controls do not profit from additional space (e.g. only small text fields or checkboxes are used), there is no point in allowing the user to change the size. In this case the default size calculated by the layout manager should be appropriate. If on the other hand the dialog contains text areas, lists, or other components that can grow with additional space becoming available, a value of true for the resizable attribute is suitable.
An attribute specific to the <w:dialog> tag is the modal attribute. As its name implies, it determines whether the resulting dialog should be modal. A modal dialog blocks all other windows of the application; they cannot be used before the dialog is closed. Usually dialogs for entering data are modal: they need to be filled before the application can continue with its normal execution. Non-modal dialogs in contrast are used when it makes sense to work with the application in parallel. A typical example is a search and replace dialog. While it is open it should still be possible to edit a text field in another window.
The tags for creating windows support icons. It is possible to place an <f:icon> tag in their body as described in the section Labels and icons.
That's it. This has been pretty much all important information about the definition of windows using the Window builder tag library. In the next sections we deal with some specialities related to the interaction with windows.
As is true for most UI libraries, JGUIraffe supports events related to windows and listeners that can receive those events. The event listener interface to be implemented by objects that want to be notified about state changes of a window is WindowListener. This interface defines a bunch of methods corresponding to changes in the life-cycle of a window:
All methods of the WindowListener interface are passed an object of the WindowEvent class. This object provides access to the source Window object affected by the event, the type of the event (this is an enumeration corresponding to the single methods of the WindowListener interface), and the original, platform-specific event object.
Listeners for window events can be registered at a window programmatically. For this purpose the Window interface defines the methods addWindowListener() and removeWindowListener(). (Note that in contrast to events related to form elements the FormEventManager class is not used for the registration of event listeners. FormEventManager only knows about elements contained in the current form. Also its specialized multiplexing features - e.g. registering an action listener for all elements providing this event - are not supported for windows.) The following example code fragment shows how a listener can be registered at a window created by a builder operation:
// Execute the builder script and obtain the main window Window window = builder.buildWindow(scriptLocator, builderData); // Create and register the window listener WindowListener listener = new MyWindowListener(); window.addWindowListener(listener);
Here it is assumed that the MyWindowListener class implements the WindowListener interface. In addition to the manual registration of event listeners in program code, it is also possible to use a declarative approach: by defining window listeners in a builder script. This works similar to declarative registration of listeners at form elements as described in the section Declarative event listener registration: Basically, the bean representing the window listener is defined in the builder script. Then the <a:eventListener> tag is used to add the listener bean to the desired window. The window is referenced using the targetBean attribute:
<!-- Declaration of the window --> <w:dialog name="myDialog" title="Test dialog"> ... </w:dialog> <!-- The bean for the window listener --> <di:bean name="windowListener" beanClass="com.mypackage.MyWindowListener"/> <!-- Register the listener bean --> <a:eventListener beanName="windowListener" targetBean="myDialog" eventType="Window"/>
As usual, the full power of the dependency injection framework can be used to initialize the window listener bean. For instance, references to required UI components or helper objects can be injected.
In the section Mapping events to actions a set of tags was described which are able to connect actions to events fired by form elements. With <w:windowEvent> (implemented by the WindowListenerTag class) a corresponding tag handler implementation exists for windows. Usage is analogous to the other tags for form elements: The tag is placed in the body of the tag defining the window. The name of the action to be associated with the window events has to be provided as an attribute. Optionally, an event filter can be specified, e.g. to map the action to a specific window event type. The following example fragment shows how the closing event of a window is mapped to an action. This is indeed an interesting use case. It allows the developer to specify that the application's exit action should be invoked when the user closes the main window by clicking on the close icon. That way code duplication can be reduced:
<!-- The main window --> <w:frame titleres="main_title" menu="mainMenu" autoClose="false"> ... <!-- An event listener that delegates the window closing event to the application exit action. --> <w:windowEvent actionName="exitAction"> <a:eventFilter eventType="WINDOW_CLOSING" class="net.sf.jguiraffe.gui.builder.event.filter.TypeEventFilter"/> </w:windowEvent> </w:frame>
Note that in this case the autoClose attribute of the <w:frame> tag was set to false. The window must not be closed automatically because the event listener may decide to veto the close operation - e.g. because there is still unsaved data. If everything is okay, the exit action will terminate the application. This also causes the main window to be shut down.
In a classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, the controller plays an important role. It connects the model and the view and processes user input accordingly. In the chapter about Form controllers we have already discussed that JGUIraffe provides a fully functional controller implementation with the class FormController. This class can be used out of the box to control the life-cycle of a form: it populates the form's input fields with their initial values, performs validation of user input, and eventually updates the model with the data entered by the user. Only if more interaction is needed between the graphical elements of the form (e.g. if some input fields have to be disabled based on the values entered in other ones), a custom controller implementation (which should extend FormController) is required.
In the Form controllers chapter there was not much information about the creation and initialization of form controllers and how they can be associated with window objects. This is because a developer typically does not have to perform these steps manually. Rather, the complete initialization of a form controller is done by tags provided by the Window builder tag library.
In order to setup a controller for a window, a builder script has to contain the following declarations:
The first step is to define a bean for the controller. Here all features provided by the dependency injection framework as described in the chapter The dependency injection builder can be used. Because the base class for form controllers, FormController is fully functional, it can often be used directly instead of implementing a custom controller class. A typical bean definition for a controller might look as follows:
<di:bean name="controller" beanClass="net.sf.jguiraffe.gui.builder.window.ctrl.FormController"> <di:setProperty property="btnOkName" value="btnOk"/> <di:setProperty property="btnCancelName" value="btnCancel"/> <di:setProperty property="okCommand" refName="okCommand"/> </di:bean>
This declaration creates an instance of the base FormController class. (FormController has a default constructor, so it is sufficient to just specify the bean class.) On the new instance some properties are set:
The properties set in this example declaration are probably the most important ones available for FormController beans. Especially the button names have to be defined in most cases so that the controller can react on button clicks appropriately. Command objects for the OK and Cancel actions are optional. They provide a convenient means for initiating complex processing of the data entered into the form. If no complex processing steps are required, you might prefer event listeners over command objects. Event listeners are directly executed by the event dispatch thread. So they should only perform short-running operations, otherwise the UI of the application will block. Advantages of event listeners are that they are easier to implement than a command object and that they are allowed to access the UI directly. (Access to the UI is only safe from within the event dispatch thread which executes the event listener objects.) The FormController class supports the event listener type FormControllerFormListener. Listeners of this type are notified when the form is closed. They can then react accordingly, e.g. save the data when the OK button was clicked. With the event listener tags introduced in the subsection Declarative event listener registration it is possible to create suitable event listener objects in a builder script and register them at a form controller. Given the form controller declaration above, an event listener of the class com.mypackage.MyFormControllerListener can be registered as shown in the following fragment:
<a:eventListener targetBean="controller" eventType="Form" class="com.mypackage.MyFormControllerListener"/>
This means that an instance of the class com.mypackage.MyFormControllerListener is created. This instance is passed to the addFormListener() method of the form controller bean referenced by the targetBean attribute.
FormControllerFormListener objects are always invoked when the form associated with the controller is closed. Often, an operation should only be performed when the OK button was clicked. One way to achieve this is to manually inspect the FormControllerFormEvent object passed to the listener: the type property of this event can be queried to find out whether the form was committed or canceled. An alternative approach is to map FormControllerFormEvents to an action and add a filter for the event type FORM_COMMITTED. (Refer to the sub section Mapping events to actions for more information about invoking actions through event listeners.) To do so, first an action - say okAction - must be defined in the builder script. Then the <a:customEvent> tag can be used to connect the action to the event listener. This is demonstrated in the code fragment below:
<!-- Definition of an action to be called when the form is committed --> <a:action name="okAction" .../> <!-- Register the action as listener at the controller --> <a:customEvent actionName="okAction" targetBean="controller"> <a:listenerType type="Form" listenerClass="net.sf.jguiraffe.gui.builder.window.ctrl.FormControllerFormListener"/> <a:eventFilter eventType="FORM_COMMITTED" class="net.sf.jguiraffe.gui.builder.event.filter.TypeEventFilter"/> </a:customEvent>
After these declarations the form controller is in place and fully initialized - even with commands or event listeners for processing the data entered into the form. The next step is to associate the controller bean with the window it has to control. For this purpose the <w:formController> tag exists which is implemented by the FormControllerTag class. Typically, the tag is placed in the body of the tag declaring the window. This might look as follows:
<!-- The form bean. This object acts as the model of the dialog.--> <di:bean name="createFileModel" beanClass="net.sf.jguiraffe.examples.tutorial.createfile.CreateFileData"/> <!-- The dialog window --> <w:dialog titleres="newfile_title" center="true" resizable="true"> ... <!-- Connect the form controller --> <w:formController beanName="controller" formBeanName="createFileModel"> </w:formController> </w:dialog>
In this short fragment some interesting things happen. First a bean acting as the model of the form is declared. Per default, forms store their data in plain Java beans whose properties match the names of the form's input fields (refer to the sub section Components and the form model for more information). A typical pattern to obtain such a model bean is to simply declare it in the builder script. It can then be injected into all objects that need access to it, e.g. into the command object which is set as okCommand at the controller. This is a straightforward way to pass the form's data to the command which has to process it.
Then the declaration of a dialog window starts. The major part is omitted. We are only interested in the <w:formController> tag appearing in the body of the <w:dialog> tag. This tag looks pretty simple, but it plays an important role in the initialization of the controller. It performs the following steps:
After the execution of the <w:formController> tag the window and its controller are fully associated. The controller can then interact with the form autonomously without intervention of the developer.
There is still a small thing missing: In the section Additional validation support some classes have been introduced which provide feedback about validation errors to the user so invalid input can be detected immediately. These classes are called field markers because they are able to highlight an input field if it contains invalid data. In a JGUIraffe application there is a pre-defined default field marker which can be accessed from a bean context using the reserved name jguiraffe.fieldMarker. (Of course, an application can define a bean with this same name overriding the default marker.) For a field marker to work it typically has to listen for some events triggered by the controller, e.g. validation events or events reporting field status changes. It would be possible to use the standard event registration tags we have already discussed to register the field marker at the controller. However, this would be pretty inconvenient, especially as it is not per se known which concrete field marker implementation is active and which events it requires. Therefore a special tag exists which handles the registration of event listeners at a form controller. With this tag the form controller declaration from the last example can be rewritten:
<!-- Connect the form controller --> <w:formController beanName="controller" formBeanName="createFileModel"> <w:formControllerListener beanName="jguiraffe.fieldMarker"/> </w:formController>
Here the <w:formControllerListener> tag (implemented by the FormControllerListenerTag class) has been added. This tag must be placed in the body of a <w:formController> tag. It obtains the bean specified by the beanName attribute from the current BeanContext - in this case this is the default field marker implementation. Then it checks which controller-related interfaces are implemented by the bean. For each interface found the bean is registered as a corresponding listener at the controller. In our example the tag causes the default field marker to be registered for all required events fired by the form controller. This effectively enables highlighting of input fields containing invalid data.
This is all that has to be said about standard form controllers. Sometimes a controller has to interact with the UI in a special way to make it more dynamic. For instance, some input fields may only be enabled if certain conditions are fulfilled, e.g. if a checkbox is checked. In such cases the typical pattern is to implement a custom form controller class derived from the base FormController class. This class implements corresponding event listener interfaces in order to react on changes at the UI. For instance, to listen for the status of a checkbox, the FormChangeListener interface would have to be implemented. In the builder script tags would be placed for registering the controller as event listener at all required input components. The following example shows how a controller is registered as change listener at three checkboxes:
<!-- Event listener declarations: The form controller is registered at some components to be notified for status changes. --> <a:eventListener component="filterTypes" eventType="CHANGE" beanName="controller"/> <a:eventListener component="filterSize" eventType="CHANGE" beanName="controller"/> <a:eventListener component="filterDate" eventType="CHANGE" beanName="controller"/>
In this example the referenced components are all checkboxes. Of course, the controller bean must implement the FormChangeListener interface. It is then invoked whenever one of these checkboxes changes its value and can update the UI correspondingly.
This concludes our description of windows and their handling in the JGUIraffe library. You should now be able to define windows, associate them with controller objects and gather and process user input.